


About this site


Guidelines for how data and services can be developed to make web sites and other web applications accessible have been decided by WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative, a work group within W3C, World Wide Web Consortium).

This website / online shop is built to be accessible to everyone. By accessible we mean that the site should work well regardless of the user's web browser, operation system or possible cognitive limitations (i.e. problem with apprehension)

Base construction

On the website the, by W3C approved standards and guidelines; are being used the way they were intended. That means that for instance XHTML 1.0 is used to structure the content and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style the content.

A User with equipment that does not support CSS reaches the websites content even if the CSS can't be interpreted.

Web browsers

Older browsers (that do not support current standards) and text based browsers may lack support for CSS. Follow the links below for upgrades to your browser.

PC (Windows)



Screen resolutions

The website is optimised to give you the best overview in screen resolutions of 1024 x 768 or higher.

Adjust font sizes

The website is built so that you easily can increase or decrease the size of the text in your browsers menu by clicking "Increase" or "Decrease". Line height, word spacing and letter spacing is also changes for best user experience.

Changing the size of the fonts could have implications on the website's design

Help texts

On links that does in themselves not describe what they are there are help texts, that in most browsers are shown as a tooltip when holding your mouse over the link.

Navigate with your keyboard

If you do not use your muse to navigate the website there is the option of navigating with your keyboard in most modern browsers. You can easily navigate between pages with the help of the ALT and ARROW-keys:

  • To go back hold down ALT + Left ARROW. To go forward again hold down ALT + Right ARROW
  • To choose a link use the TAB-key + ENTER

This website / online shop is produced by Active Webdezign Ltd. Webdezign help clients to make money on the internet by Websites, Ecommerce and Online marketing like Search engine optimisation and Email marketing. Contact us for views on the websites design or construction. We have produced a great number of websites and search engine marketing plans.